
Janice is a yoga student, a yoga practitioner, yoga teacher and illustrator.

A teacher of yoga since 2001 applying therapeutic and mindfulness approaches to her teachings especially in women’s yoga.

Janice is a British Wheel of Yoga qualified teacher, a Yoga Nidra Network Associate Teacher and a Relax and Renew ® Advanced Trainer.

Having trained in many styles and traditions of yoga, when you join Janice at a yoga gathering you will experience a variety of these styles. Often sharing the practice of Total Yoga Nidrā alongside Restorative Yoga and sound in her yoga gatherings, welcoming opportunities for self-care, rest and to fill our vessels with much needed soulful nourishment.

Janice has assisted alongside Judith Hanson Lasater and Lizzie Lasater on Restorative Yoga teacher trainings; assistant and co-teacher with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli on the Integrated Mother and Baby Yoga and Pregnancy Yoga specialist teacher trainings and co-taught with Nirlipta Tuli on the Total Yoga Nidra Immersion Experience (Yoga Campus and Sitaram and Sons).  

In addition to her yoga work and practice, Janice is also an illustrator.

A little side note…!

All illustrations on this website are her own and permission is required if you would like to use them.