“The practice of yoga induces a primary sense of measure and proportion. Reduced to our own body, our first instrument, we learn to play it, drawing from it maximum resonance and harmony”
– Yehudi Menuhin

The intention of these gatherings is to bring a sense of connection for our whole wellbeing. Bringing gentle and mindful practices to reset, restore and relax.
What to expect in a yoga class:
At the beginning of a gathering you will have the opportunity to inform Janice of any health and wellbeing updates and these alongside weather, moon phases and seasonal cycles will contribute to the practices offered. We will open with time for settling, then mindful movements and breath work. Some practices will be physically challenging, whilst others may be more gentle with restorative yoga explorations. We will work in an inclusive manner, allowing opportunities for mindful meditation, pranayama (yogic breath work), variations and playful explorations with asanas (postures). Every gathering will end with deep relaxation and frequently will include Yoga Nidrā (Yogic Sleep) and sound work.
Through mindful meditation we can encourage intuition, compassion and kindness to oneself.
We will have time to move and explore through gentle and slow flowing movements to feel the freedom and ease within the body.
Through the practice of pranayama we will have freedom to feel the life of the breath.
Practising the art of deep rest through Restorative Yoga (with the help of plenty of props) and Yoga Nidra (Deep Yogic Sleep) we can then settle into stillness, to pause and completely surrender.
Through Yoga Nidra an effortless practice that provides you with what you need. Yoga Nidra helps with containing the obstacles and distractions of the mind whilst at the same time relaxes the mind. With this practice you are invited to join us in a cosy comfortable position, do nothing and let this healing practice work its magic. Come home to yourself, come to a place of self-acceptance.
Through all these yogic practices, we will have opportunity to reflect, refocus, relax, to be kind and to let the mind go.
There is invitation for you to just be … welcome home to yourself just the way you are.
Yoga in Glossop classes are taught in small groups with a non-dogmatic approach aimed at all levels, ages and stages of life. You need to be able to get up and down off the floor unassisted to attend.
If you are coming for the first time, please complete and bring this Yoga Registration Form with you.
You are very welcome to borrow from a wide variety of props and equipment.